Let’s go on a journey together!

I want to help you overcome the obstacles standing between you and your next adventure. Reach out and let’s chat about how I can help you level up irl and confidently be the hero of your own adventure!

Who am I?

Hey there! I’m Jen!

I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t do something because your body can’t keep up, you’re too shy, too embarrassed or too anxious. I spent years trying to find the right gym, fitness program or diet. I’d get a couple weeks or months in and fall off the wagon (if I ever made it on the wagon to begin with). Sometimes the idea of going to a gym when I didn’t really know much about fitness was enough to make me way too anxious to go. Needless to say, nothing really stuck.

If that sounds like you I’ve got great news! You don’t have to stay stuck. I’m here to help!

Everyone’s journey is different. Mine started with a decision to double down on my self-care. I started seeing a therapist for my stress and anxiety and forced myself to try things I’d always wanted to do. Not long after, I found myself reading an Instagram post about a 30 day women’s transformation challenge being held at a CrossFit gym. I had been waaaaaaay too nervous to even fathom going to a CrossFit gym before then but decided to take the plunge. What could it hurt? It couldn’t be any worse than the lack of results I had now, right?

Well… fast forward through one entirely too long anxiety attack leading up to my first class, learning what macros are (and that food doesn’t have to be a constant battle) and getting my hands around a barbell. I had finally found my community and ultimately my calling.

That one simple ad, a few amazing coaches (both at the box and online) and that one CrossFit community changed my life and my overall outlook on health and fitness. After joining I did my first Spartan Race, did virtual marathons during the pandemic, learned to workout at home when we couldn’t go to the gym and have since participated in multiple CrossFit Opens.

Now I want to help guide you on your quest to level up irl and confidently be the hero of your own adventure!