
“I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I have tried and failed so many fad diets only to gain more weight. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression in my adult life and that gave me some answers as to why I turned to food as a crutch. Then I still had to deal with all the bad habits I had formed before I could get healthy. I had just gone to my doctor for help with getting healthy and active when Jennifer reached out wanting to know if I would try her program. It felt like fate! I was excited and ready to do the work. I knew a bit about macros and counting calories but I have learned so much more. Jennifer provided me with a fitness routine specific to my current physical demands. My doctor has me on a restricted calorie diet and Jennifer has given me what my macros should be to fit that. Whenever I need to chat about my program or just life she is there to listen and give me some great advice. I love it that Jennifer adapts to what I need. I have already lost 40lbs in 2 months and 10in off my waist! My initial goal was to lose 50lbs in 3 months and I know I will achieve it. I had a hard time putting socks on or even walking up and down stairs without being winded. I can happily say I can do both with ease now. Thank you Jennifer for guiding me to a healthier and happier future!”

– Kathryn E. (Rock Island, IL)

“I started the program because I had gained weight during covid…I weighed way more than I ever thought I could. I had talked to Jennifer about it and she said she could help. I was more than happy to have help with this journey. I like the way she doesn’t emphasize that this is a diet, that this is a lifestyle change.. And that is what I needed. I was tired, my energy levels were down, and I didn’t feel good about myself.

I started her program and have lost 19 pounds and a few inches off my waist.. I will need a new wardrobe soon. I feel better mentally and physically, my elbow that hurt me almost every day doesn't hurt anymore.

I have recommended her to my friends, and would highly recommend her to anyone. She is a great inspiration and is very attentive with keeping in contact with you and helping in any way she can.”

- Tanya (CA)

“At 49 years old, it was finally time to try to get healthy and try to lose weight. I had always struggled with my weight and getting motivated to exercise had always been challenging to me. Jennifer was always a support for me. With a quiet presence, she encouraged me and patiently explained exercises and moves to me. She kept me motivated as she worked out side by side with me. She would push me not to quit and to try to give my all to each workout. At first, I could barely do the exercises but slowly and over time, I started getting the hang of them and seeing a difference on the scale and more importantly with my confidence. Jennifer was always patient and supportive but she was also knowledgeable and brought out my inner athlete (even though I never knew she existed before that). Thank you Jennifer for all you did for me. I will always be grateful for the role you played in my fitness journey. I would highly recommend Jennifer, she is an athlete and a coach who can help you to bring out your best.”

Lori (Santa Monica, CA)